Saturday, August 31, 2019

Feminism in Literature Essay

Feminism has gradually become more far-ranging and subtle in its attacks on male-dominated society. Many injustices still need to be corrected, but equally necessary is a more down-to-earth, tolerant and compassionate view of fellow human beings. Introduction Many feminists dislike theory. Sharp intellectual categories, argumentation, seeming objectivity, and the whole tradition they grow out of are just what feminists are seeking to escape. And if their reasoning seems unsystematic they can draw support from the psychoanalysis of Lacan and Julia Kristeva, fromDerrida’s deconstruction, and from Rorty’s view that philosophy should model itself on an edifying conversation seeking rapprochement rather than no-holds-barred gladiatorial combat. Androgynist Poetics Critics, being generally male, had not generally concerned themselves with gender issues. Most of the world’s great literature had been written by men. Sappho, Austen, the Brontes and Emily Dickinson apart, it was difficult to think women really had it in them to write at the highest level. Literature was literature, and critics saw no need to distinguish a specifically feminine way of writing or responding to a text. Virginia Woolf was herself a refutation of that thesis, though her mental breakdown was perhaps brought on by the strain of balancing male self-realization with female abnegation. But in her essay Professions for Women, Woolf complained only that women’s social obligations hindered a writing career. Their lives gave them a different perspective, but women were not fundamentally different from men in their psychological needs and outlooks. Gynocriticism The gathering feminist movement very much disagreed, and argued that women’s writing expressed a distinctive female consciousness, which was more discursive and conjunctive than its male counterpart. Such consciousness was radically different, and had been adversely treated. Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex documented the ways â€Å"Legislators, priests, philosophers, writers and scientists have striven to show that the subordinate position of women is willed in heaven and advantageous on earth. † Women had been made to feel that they were inferior by nature and, though men paid lip-service to equality, they would resist its implementation. Some men might be sympathetic to women’s issues, but only women themselves knew what they felt and wanted. And perhaps they always knew. The essays collected in Susan Cornillon’s 1972 anthology Images of Women in Fiction all suggested that nineteenth and twentieth century fiction was simply untrue to women’s experience. Rather than search for the essentially feminine, critics now turned to the social context of women’s writing, to the ways a male-orientated society had formed or deformed individual novels, plays and poems written by women. Adventure and romance, whoever written for, seemed to stress the male competitive element, and even the submissive partner of gay literature only imitated the female stereotype. Not all agreed, of course. Norman Mailer’s The Prisoner of Sex: disliked the blanket criticism of Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics, arguing its examples were too selective chosen. Gynesis Nonetheless, by the early eighties, feminists had advanced to a much more confrontational attack on male hegemony, advocating a complete overthrow of the biased (male) canon of literature. French feminists argued that women should write with a greater consciousness of their bodies, which would create a more honest and appropriate style of openness, fragmentation and non-linearity. Parallel studies in the visual arts stressed a feminine sensibility of soft fluid colours, an emphasis on the personal and decorative, and on forms that evoked the female genitalia. And the problem lay deeper still, in the language itself. Words had been coined to express a male point of view, and that was indeed misogynist. Some 220 words exist in English for the sexually promiscuous woman, but only 22 for promiscuous men. And in the sexual matters that really concerned them, the vocabulary was hopelessly restricted. Discourse was power, said Foucault, and psychoanalysts likeLacan and Kristeva stressed the liberating role that literature should play, particularly to allow the semiotic flux of the unconscious in early childhood, i. e. before the symbolic world of public discourse imposed its male-favouring rules. Poets worked on the boundaries of the two realms, and Kristeva urged them to engender political and feminist revolutions by dissolving the conventions of normal discourse. Gender Theory Five years later the debate had moved on, from exclusively feminine concerns to the wider issues of gender in social and cultural contexts. Patriarchy and capitalism should be examined more closely, perhaps as Althusser had attempted, and sophisticated models built to integrate the larger web of economics, education, division of labour, biological constraints and cultural assumptions. Michele Barrett demanded facts, research. How does gender stereotyping arise in various social contexts? How are the canons of literary excellence actually established? What is the practical effect on literature? Shouldn’t we remember that attitudes are struck within a fictional framework, and can’t be simply pulled out and convicted by a kangaroo court of feminist morals? Critique Literature will often reflect the cultural assumptions and attitudes of its period, and that of course includes attitudes towards women: their status, their roles, their expectations. But a literature doctored of male-orientated views would be failing in its first requirement, to present a realistic or convincing picture of the world. Moralizing, which includes political correctness, has its dangers. Feminists have argued for positive discrimination as the only way to correct centuries of bias. Nonetheless, the consensus emerging among black Americans is that positive discrimination is counter-productive. Disadvantaged minorities desperately need the odds levelled, but not patronizingly tilted in their favour. Psychoanalysis has little scientific standing, and Lacanian theory is further disputed within the psychoanalytical community itself. Feminism does itself few favours by relying on these supports. A more damaging criticism is the concept of the feminine itself. Does it really exist? There are very real differences in the psychological make-up between the sexes, but testing also indicates what anthropologists have long accepted: the expression of those differences is more determined by cultural factors than sexuality per se. Feminists who argue for a more understanding, fluid, and delicate attitude are not so much advocating qualities native to women but for attitudes still repressed by society. That in turn suggests society itself needs exploring rather than sex differences per se, which is indeed a view more recognized in contemporary feminist studies. Feminist Literature Feminist literature, as the name suggests, is based on the principles of feminism, and refers to any literary work that centers around the struggle of a woman for equality, and to be accepted as a human being, before being cast into a gender stereotype. Not all these works follow a direct approach towards this goal of equality. It is only through such media that women believed a change was possible in the way they were perceived in society. Not all feminist literature has been written by women, but also by men who understood women beyond the roles they were expected to fit into, and delved into their psyche to understand their needs and desires. Some works may be fictional, while others may be non fictional. Here, we take a look into the characteristics of feminist literature, and give you a list of some of the many works of feminist literature, that make for a good read if you truly desire to learn extensively about this form of writing and what it stood for. Characteristics of Feminist Literature Feminist literature is identified by the many characteristics of the feminist movement. This will help you understand exactly what is feminist literature. Authors of feminist literature are known to understand and explain the difference between sex and gender. They believe that though a person’s sex is predetermined and natural, it is the gender that has been created by society, along with a particular perception about gender roles. Gender roles, they believe, can be altered over time. The predominance of one gender over the other, is a common concept across almost all societies, and the fact that it is not in favor of women is an underlying, yet blatant, characteristic of feminist or women’s literature. Here, it is argued that any society that does not provide channels of learning and knowledge to both genders equally is not a complete and impartial society. Critics argue that there wasn’t much difference between male and female authors, and that there was no need to identify a separate class of literature termed as feminist or look for traces of feminism in literature. However, if you read any such work, you will realize how such writers criticized society’s andocentric (male-centered) approach, and tried to understand the beliefs and needs of the opposite sex with a subjective, and not an objective, approach. Take for example Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The protagonist, Elizabeth Bennett was a woman of her mind. Despite the societal pressure (put on her by her mother) to choose a partner, and to lead a life that was decided for all women, she decided to choose her own path towards what she wanted. And none of this was blatantly approached. She did not put an outward fight, in order to choose her life course. The entire piece of work is subtle, and the only clear characteristic of the protagonist you will notice is her assertiveness. And that is one clear characteristic of the feminist approach toward literature. Women in literature of the feminist nature are always featured as the protagonist, who, more often than not, do not readily accept the traditional role of women as decided by society. They are ready to make their own decisions, to express this choice of personal decision-making, and are ready to deal with the consequences of these choices, actions, and decisions. Though a daughter, a mother, a sister, or a wife, any piece of feminist literature first deals with a woman as a woman. It is not these relationships, roles, or stereotypes that give these female characters in literature their identity. Their identity is defined by their choices and their beliefs which are then associated with these roles. It is important to note, that, not all works of feminist literature have happy endings, both for the character, and for the author of the work. Women have been ostracized by society for openly demanding equality, and have had to face several negative consequences of their decision to go against the waves. Not only feminist literature, women have been treated as important subjects even in many literary works by men. For instance, Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian author and playwright, often focused on women, women’s issues, their troubles faced by society, and the decisions they made based on their personal values and beliefs. If you take a look at the play called ‘A Doll’s House’, by this very same author, you will clearly notice the strength and character of the protagonist. Not all, but some pieces of feminist literature (particularly non-fiction) showcase and stress on women’s suffrage and a demand for equality in society, for political, social, and economic rights. In modern feminist literature, the attack on a male-dominated society became more forthright and straightforward, where women demanded a closer look into the patriarchal and capitalistic approach towards feminism.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Religion and Morality Essay

(i)Examine the views of scholars concerning the idea that religion and morality are linked. In this essay I am going to be looking at all the different view points on why some people may think religion and morality are linked. I will talk about a few things that link them such as conscience, divine command ethics, Kant’s view and Aquinas’ view. Many people believe that morality is based upon religion and the rules written in the Bible and other holy books, although some say that religion is completely opposed to morality and it is wrong to mix the two. Some scholars believe there are three views on the relationship between religion and morality, one of them being that morality depends on religion. Religious leaders are expected to have extremely high standards of morality, R. B Braithwaite believes so, he states that ‘to be religious and to make religious claims is to be committed to a set of moral values’. Much religious language is the language of morality, and as we have seen religious believers have committed themselves to particular ways of behaving. Aquinas’ believed that if God exists morality exists and that God made humans only his image, ‘when we are good, we are reflecting God’s image’. He also believed that goodness on earth reflects on God’s morally good perfection, so because God made us based on his image, when we are good we are reflecting on his ‘perfect’ image. However Kant’s view is the opposite to this, he believed that if morality exists God must exist and that the highest of good is perfection, although no one is perfect, which means no one can be as good or great as God because he has this perfect image, and no one is perfect therefore cannot live up to those expectations. Kant’s argument was that for the existence of God based on the existence of morality: There must be a holy author of the world who makes possible the highest goods. Some people believe in Divine Command Ethics because they think that God’s authority is absolute and final, and that human reason has no authority. God tells us how to live, obedience is commanded. Disobedience to the word of God is a sin. He also thinks that the existence of God is necessary for the summum borum (which is the highest for of good) to be achieved, and that the summum borum is not achievable in this life, therefore the existence of God is necessary for the goal of morality to be realized. Another is that morality is independent of religion. Freud believed the conscience is a moral policeman. The internalized super-ego that controls and socializes human moral behavior. Capable of doing much damage to our mental health. Some people believe conscience has no supernatural origin, it is the product of how people are brought up. Parents and teachers, teach us right and wrong and we are effected by the environment we are brought up in. Everyone’s conscience is different depending on what they were taught and how they were raised and children, meaning they believe different things, and have different view points. Religion and morality is also linked by religious influences on moral matters. For example, a US abortion rights group have angered some conservative Christian groups by selling condom key rings that have a picture of Michelangelo’s Sistine chapel, with God handing Adam a condom. The president of the Christian group said ‘this does nothing to deal with the horrific promiscuity rate we have among teenagers. We believe the real approach particularly to the young people that this is targeted at is abstinence before marriage’. Another example is that CARE lobby for a reduction in the time limit for legal abortions, to 18 weeks, and against the growing swell of public opinion in favor of legalizing assisted suicide. Existentialists may argue without God morality is meaningless and ‘everything is permitted’. If this is true God is the guardian of morality. Without God moral chaos or anarchy would ensue. Some other reasons why people say that religion and morality are linked is that: Moral codes are derived from religion. Moral opinions are judged against religious teachings. Even secular society adopts or is influenced by religious moral teachings, for example, it seeks guidance from religious leaders in moral matters such as genetic engineering/abortion. In conclusion the strongest view to me is Social Conditioning, in which morality is independent of religion. I believe that peoples morality comes from the environment that they are brought up in, and the people around them such as parents and teachers. From a very young age we are taught what is right and wrong, and grow up respecting the law and people around us more than God. (ii)Comment on the view that religion and morality are not linked. Euthyphro’s Dilemma was that the problem of whether something is good because God commands it, or does God command that which is good. ‘Do that God’s love that which is holy, or is it holy because it is loved by the God’s’ – Plato. Almost all Christians will say something is good because God says so, his commands must be obeyed. A Christian’s dilemma is that either good is a whim or good is something that dictates to God. So if a Christian interprets that it is God’s will to murder, they think they are justified because it is God’s choice. A. C Grayling believes that religious morality is irrelevant to modern society because what people value has changed. He thinks that modern morality includes a great concern for human rights, animal welfare and the environment, not because of God but because of the instrumental value to themselves. Nietzsche has a view that Christianity is a disease on humanity and that morality is also a disease that imposes limits on human freedom. ‘Belief in God encourages ‘slave morality†. He believes that feelings of guilt, shame and remorse are forced upon us from the churches, and that we are made to feel bad for fulfilling our desires. ‘If more people believed in God there would be less immorality’ – R. A Sharpe believed this to be a misconception. He believes this because some churches teach that God hates homosexuals, or that contraception is wrong. A secular ethicist could argue that people are more likely to be morally responsible if God does not exist. If there is no afterlife then we should behave in this life as there will be no reward or punishment at the end, life is short, treat people well. I believe religion and morality are separate, being strong in one doesn’t make you strong in the other. I myself know not to murder someone, not because of a fear of God or that the Bible told me not to, but because I have been brought up to know it is wrong and against the law, and I do not wish to end up in prison. Although I don’t think it is the fear of punishment, it’s just in my heart not to want to hurt someone, not just my conscience and upbringing teaching me not too. People who claim that religion is their morality are basically saying that without the fear of going to hell they would have no motivation to follow the morals. R. A Sharpe believed that ‘If more people believed in God there would be less immorality’ is a misconception because he doesn’t believe that all Christian’s have the right morals. Another argument would be what if the divine changes his mind.. If God said that murdering children was the right thing to do, would it be?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Varying Potentials and Learning Styles of the Students Research Paper - 173

The Varying Potentials and Learning Styles of the Students - Research Paper Example In the previous colloquy, it became evident that schools play a critical role in preparing students to become a part of society. The curriculum in schools facilitates the transmission of cultural values from one generation to the other. Therefore, schools promote the progression of society. Most importantly, schools play a critical role in promoting social values. Schools should also serve as avenues of preparing students for their future occupation. Experience-based learning, as well as child-centred learning, seeks to impart learners with life skills that they can use in the future. When schools focus on a child-centred approach, they can nurture the interests of children, ensuring that learners gain critical skills that can be beneficial to them in handling future challenges. A child-centred approach in school should seek to explore the potential of every student. Such an approach provides students with an opportunity to recognize the learning needs and interests. Teachers who ser ve as facilitators and coaches help children meet their learning needs. Students have diverse interests and potentials. Therefore, the instructional methods used in schools should consider the varying potentials and learning styles of the students. Teachers should ensure that there is maximized learning for each student ensuring that learners benefit from the curriculum. The debate on the child-centred approach has highlighted the potential benefits of identifying the needs of learners before designing the curriculum. Therefore, teachers should implement the planned curriculum with the purpose of influencing learners with new knowledge and skills (Posner, 2003).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Environmental protection is more important than economic profits Essay

Environmental protection is more important than economic profits - Essay Example Given the increased world population, there is a strain on the natural resources as people depend on natural resources to advance industrially and technologically. Today, because of the rivalry between environmental protection and economic profits, countries have failed to implement their different laid down environmental policies effectively, and this has put the environment at a greater risk of continued degradation, which will be detrimental to the human population in future. The debate whether to make environmental protection a priority or not applies to all world countries. In most countries, all corporations and businesses must have their environmental policy; this shows how crucial the environment is. However, do corporations fulfil their environmental policies, or is it just for a show? Today, scientists and other experts recognize the looming effects of the environmental hazard. Therefore, corrective measures should be taken today to ensure restoration of the environment, th an waiting until things go out of hand. Natural law does not forgive, then why provoke it yet its wrath is hard to withstand? The environment today is in a pathetic state. The amount of natural forests cleared is devastating. It is saddening how humans are mercilessly strangling Mother Nature, and yet it is from her they get their breath of life. Humans destroy the environment in pursuit of their economic establishments. The knowledge humans lack is that once they are done destroying mother nature, all their technological and industrial advances, and booming economies will count as nothing when mother nature’s provoked ghost comes back to haunt them. Their mega economies will be destroyed, including the populations, and this is quite derogatory. It is therefore sensible that states change their greedy ways and stop overexploiting the environment in pursuit of their economic ambitions. The desires for economic profits should not override the importance of the environment. Glob al warming is already here with us. This has resulted in a great instability in the environment. Its effects are witnessed every day. The tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, and floods cause great destructions in the affected countries, lives are lost, property destroyed, infrastructure destroyed, and families displaced. Scenes from the more recent hurricane Sandy can attest to this. This destroyed communication lines, buildings, roads, and other infrastructure, in addition to the loss of lives and displacements of families. This will cost the USA millions of dollars to fix. Therefore, establishing the economy at the expense of the environment is like a zero-sum game. The environment will always get back to us and damage the economies. Therefore, the environment proves that it is the most important. Environmental protection is a matter of life and death in all countries. Today individuals, states, scientists and countries in general realize that the future of the planet earth is in dire need of safeguarding, due to the environmental massacre that is witnessed today, all in the name of economic advancement. The main elements in state economies, which lead to environmental degradation, are the by-products from industries. Industrialization is good for human survival as it positively influences the economy. However, lack of controlled industrialization is what causes environmental protection and economic profits to be at loggerheads. Today, we

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MANAGING INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MANAGING INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS - Essay Example I am currently working as a volunteer in this organization. I am working as part of a volunteer team headed by Omar. Our team recently took two decisions; one related to the selection of a place for volunteering and the other related to the recording to the video from the selected volunteering place. This paper analyses how we made those decisions as a team. â€Å"The main characteristic feature of the team is synergy through which team members act together and achieve better results than if they perform alone or in other organizational forms†(Petrov, p.91). Our team leader is really a good person who respects the opinions of all the team members. He is democratic in his functioning and always ready to consider the opinions of each team member seriously. Before the selection of the place for volunteering, he asked the opinions of all the team members. Each team member gave suggestions about the places which need volunteering services. Since ours is a charity organization, we decided that the most suitable place for volunteering should be the place where homelessness is a critical problem. Many places were suggested by the team members. Then after brief discussions we have shortlisted two places. After an opinion poll, we selected a place which was supported by the majority of our team members. The decision related to the recording of the video was also taken after hot and meaningful discussions within our team. Some team members argued that each member should be given the permission to record videos from the site/place we selected whereas others pointed out the practical difficulties while everybody concentrates on video recording alone. Finally we decided that only few people will record videos while others concentrate on other matters related to our assignment. â€Å"Team Dynamics are the unseen forces that operate in a team between different people or groups.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Literacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literacy - Assignment Example Where students are likely to benefit from these skills as it improves their general literacy and help them have better quality f education, teachers are also required to develop them, as they are fundamental for providing quality education and also enhance their performance levels. In addition to that, the scope of developing literacy and numeracy in adults has also increased which tends to bring more responsibility to educators. One of the important areas surrounding poor literacy skills is inability to understand the text being read. Where reading itself is a fundamental skill that is being developed from the inception of education, ability to gain knowledge of context in multiple frames is rather difficult to develop. This issue is further accompanied by inability to perform academic research and also filter out relevant sources to develop necessary understanding. The problem further enhances due to presence of multiple and non-reliable data available on web and out-of-date library resources. Also, ability to identify scholarly and academically relevant sources to support education has a critical value for present day students. Last element of this issue is to deliver the knowledge in writing. This skills required development of sound grammar as well as extensive vocabulary. With limited reading being performed and lesser attention given this area, students find it difficult to communicate what they know well which not only affects their grades but also their self-confidence. Another dimension of the issue being discussed is to have suitable knowledge of numerical data and relevant mathematical concepts. The problem increases when there are word problems as deducing meaning out of written text and converting it into numeric data and further applying appropriate methods and procedures meant for problem solving. Hence, in order to develop numeric skills, it is essential that a student is able to derive correct

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hume's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Hume's - Essay Example ence of the miracle.† Here, Hume is determined to interpret the fact that final principle by which we must deduct whether a miracle has taken place is higher than it is the case of other cases asserting to identify some extraordinary or unanticipated occurrence. It is consequently not a miracle if a healthy person in unlikely events dies. Though an occurrence of this form may be impractical, it does not sometimes take place. Nevertheless, if a miracle occurs, we are asked to consider something that is divergent to all other understanding. Hume thus far argues that â€Å"miracles must be unique or (almost unique) occurrences otherwise fall within cumulative course of nature despite how rare and extraordinary the activity may be.†Provided with this interpretation of miracles, known desecrations of the decree of nature, how we should we analyze assertions that miracles have taken place? Hume depends on a principle that claims that a logical person proportions his belief to the testimony (Hume, 2007). Hume differentiates between two types of skepticism, that is, antecedent and resultant skepticism, both of which come in deep and decent style. Hume establishes the great type of skepticism with the cumulative suspicion of Descartes. These delves into questioning all former perceptions and thus far the acknowledgment of the senses. Hume hence suggests that though this great precursor skepticism is impracticable and that it is better in the moderate form. It comprises merely in producing unprejudiced views, advancing by inch by inch from sound first principles, an assessing one’s conclusion regularly and cautiously. The skepticism of Enquiry is viewed as a form of resultant skepticism. This are consequent skepticism questions our customary deductions and reasoning by doubting the premise on which they are secured. According to Hume, the specific testimony of senses, which imply to us the subsistence of a world outward to and free of our senses. He asserts that we are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

An Issue Pertaining to Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

An Issue Pertaining to Business Ethics - Essay Example Recent reports have shown that over 10 million men and women in England drink above the recommended guidelines. This obviously means that it will in all possible ways affect their body and mind in a negative way. The guidelines set to drinking have been set by the careful and thorough study of the intake of alcohol and those set limits are not meant to be crossed. These individuals in their practical life, therefore, perform lesser than their capability. It affects their performance, behavior, mental and stress level. They get tired easily and therefore are unable to work for even average work hours. It also causes a greater rate of absenteeism amongst individuals and a company cannot properly function with these conditions. Absent employees and the ones present not working at their best is something an organization should worry about. â€Å"By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question† (Bentham, 1789). An individual’s actions inside the organization that he is working in, that directly affect the organization need to be paid attention and controlled. It’s for the benefit of everyone that every particular individual behaves in the most appropriate of ways, ways that are ethical. The health profession, in particular, primary care physicians, has long been encouraged to guide their patients’ drinking behavior (ICAP, 2002). Alcoholic behaviors of individuals is an important issue and require urgent attention, reports suggest that around 200,000 people go to work with a hangover. Alcohol also directly affects individuals work behavior. It is reported to promote rude behavior, non-serious attitude and in some cases violent behavior as well.  Ã‚  

Newtons Second Law of Motion Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Newtons Second Law of Motion - Lab Report Example In this lab experiment, we shall focus on the validation of this law by applying the behavior of an almost frictionless motion of a car on a horizontal aluminum track and a constant force T will be applied on the car. This motion will be recorded by a motion sensor and used to analyze this law. From the experiment and data analysis above, a number of things can be noted. The value of gravitational acceleration in the constant mass of the moving system is greater than the expected value of 9.81m/s2. This means that an increase in the value of gravitational acceleration is directly proportional to the net force. An increase in the net force will cause an increase in the gravitational acceleration. In the second experiment, the value of gravitational acceleration towards the sensor is higher as compared to the value of gravitational acceleration away from the sensor. An explanation to this phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that for an object at rest, the force of gravity acts on that particular objects but on the other hand, a counteractive force from the surface acts on it. For an object on a slope, some of the gravitational force is acted upon by the gravitational force that is provided by the slope. The remaining force may force it to move down slope and hence the data collected. This proves that Newton’s second law is followed

Friday, August 23, 2019

You can choose one out of five Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

You can choose one out of five - Essay Example er the story of myths, let us examine the place and the role of the place where it is supposed to happen and be able to characterize the relationship of gods to the place where the story is supposed to take place, and what does it tell us about early Greek culture? I have chosen two myths that I believed have connections with mortals. First myth that I chose who played an important position in the mythology is Zeus. Zeus appeared in the collection of myths in the Greek pagan creation of myths. He was described as the king of the gods, king of law and order, fate, and sky and weather (Atsma, 2000). The Geographic location often referred to in the story of Hesoid, Theogony, is Mt. Olympus. It is a tall mountain with snowy peaks able to penetrate heaven.(v. II 36-52). Mt. Olynpus is characterized as a peaceful place wherein gods and goddesses lived peacefully. This is where Zeus lived, together with other goddesses and muses, his wife, brothers and sisters. Mt. Olympus first appeared in the story of Hesoid, while he was sheparding sheep at the foot of Helicon. Mt. Olympus was the home of Zeus and the twelve muses of Mt. Olympus. These muses came to see Hesoid to tell him of their stories so he could retell it to others. Hesoid is not a supernatur al being. He was an early Greek poet who lived during the 700 BC era. Hesoid opened his story with the tale of muses singing tirelessly to their father, Zeus, in Mt. Olympus. This is the first talk about Mt.Olympus. It is thru songs that the muses told the tale of the clans of men and giants. I perceived Mt. Olympus hall to be happy as it resonates the voices of muses. Mt. Olympus is featured with snowy peaks that leads to heaven, a peaceful place with no troubles or worries because it is guarded by a god. This is where gods built homes and palaces and any gods can live there but no humans were allowed. Mt. Olympus is different from what we see in mountains today. Today, in geography, there are several mountains

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Current Issues in Law and HR Course Work Essay Example for Free

Current Issues in Law and HR Course Work Essay Organizations are considered to be the most incentive, social arrangement of today. It’s considered a marvel to know that thousands of people with individual backgrounds, skills and interests are coordinated into various organizations, so that they can pursue their common institutionalized goals and objectives. The historians of the future see today’s organizations as the greatest achievement of our time and era. For example biogenetic engineering have had some breakthroughs. The Apollo mission to the moon was made possible by the organization called NASA. Even on day to day basis organizations play an important role in our lives. The water we drink to the food we eat or the clothes we wear all comes from different kinds of organizations Human resource is defined by many companies as a combination of the administrative functions with the performance of the company’s employees and their relations along with the company’s planning. Human resource basically develops mostly from industrial and organizational behaviour. The major function that are included in HRM are recruitment, selection, training and development, orientation, placement, separation, career planning, performance appraisal, salaries and wages, incentives and gain-sharing, benefits, services and security and employee relations and assessment. The term human resource basically refers to the people of the company. The manager of the company engages in HR because the HR activities and tasks are considered to be an important part of the company. It basically helps the company to achieve the goals and the objectives that are set for them by the management. As you all know that human resource activities also make a large contribution to the company’s success in many ways but the HR activities mostly support the strategies of the organization. The HR department basically exists to support the managers and the employees of the company and to pursue the company’s goal or objectives (Werther Davis 1996). The major challenges that would be faced by the organization are as follows: †¢ Population-growth challenges †¢ Global Competitive Challenges †¢ Unemployment Challenges †¢ Social Responsibility Challenges †¢ Medical, Food, Housing Challenges †¢ Unknown Challenges †¢ Ethical Challenges †¢ Workforce Diversity Challenges The objectives of the HR department are based on societal, organizational, functional and personal goals. It is known that the objectives of the company are not formally stated that is they are not in the written form. The objective of the human resource management not only reflects the intention of the middle and top management but also balances the challenges that are faced by the HR department. Objectives are basically considered as benchmarks against which the actions can be evaluated. The human resource objectives not only reflect the intention of the management but also balance the organizational challenges, the HR function and the people who are affected by it. If the company fails to succeed in its objectives it would harm the company’s profits, performance and even the survival of the firm. As we know that there are four objectives that are common to the HR management. The objectives are as follows: 1. Organizational Objective: which basically recognizes that the HR management exists and it contributes to the organizational effectiveness. The HR department basically exists so that it can help managers of the company to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. HR management only supports the managers with the human resource issues. If we put is simply the HR department only exist solely to help assist the rest of the company. 2. Functional Objective: which basically states that this objective solely exists to maintain the department’s input at a level that is considered relevant to company’s needs. A relation exists between the objectives and the HR activities and they are appraisal of the employee, placement and assessment of the employee. 3. Societal Objective: this objective shows that the company has to be ethically and socially responsive to the needs and challenges of the society while the company minimizes the negative impacts of such demands on the organization 4. Personal Objective: shows that the HR management helps assisting the employees in achieving their goals and objectives. And these goals enhance the individual’s contribution towards the organization. To achieve these goals the HR department help the managers of the company to obtain, maintain, utilize and retain the right amount and types of workers. The objectives of the employees must be met otherwise the employees would not be motivated, retained and maintained by the HR department of the company. And the employees would neglect their jobs, voice their complaints or maybe leave the organization for a better opportunity (Werther Davis 1996). It is not necessary that all the organization can meet the HR objectives every time. Some sort of trade-offs do occur that stops the company in achieving the stated goals and objectives. When the objectives are net by the department, they make a huge contribution towards the organization’s and employees needs. And with the help of these objectives the managers are able to see the kinds of activities that are needed to be carried out and why. There is a relationship that exists between the objectives and the activities of the HR. For example, for the societal objective the supporting activities would be legal compliance, union and management relations and benefits of the employees. For the organizational objective the supporting activities would be HR planning, employee relations, selection, training and development, appraisal, placement and assessment. For functional objective the supporting activities would be performance appraisal, placement, assessment and development of the employees. And for personal objective the supporting activities would be training and development, performance appraisal, placement, assessment and compensation of the employees. The HR activities are considered as actions that are taken by the department to maintain a workforce balance that is considered as appropriate to the organization’s needs. For example, small companies who do have the HR department have small budgets and small staffs therefore the HR department of such companies only focus on the activities that they consider are important for the company. The functions or activities that are considered important for such companies would be planning, recruitment, and wages and salaries of the employees. The functions that are performed by the HR department of the organization are as follows: Planning is the first activity that is conducted by the department. Planning can be defined as the systematic forecast that determines the company’s future and the demand and supply of the employees that would be needed by the organization. HR planning is also known as employees planning which helps the HR department and other managers of the company to develop staffing plans so that they would go along with the strategy of the company. it is important that the company is staffed with the right amount of people so that the strategic operational and functional goals of the company can be met. It has been realized by a lot companies that the HR plans are very important if the organization wants to have strategic success. For example, companies like Nokia and Apple it is important to have strategic plans because it would help the companies by developing new products and introducing them as quickly as possible in the market. It is only possible when the company is staffed with the right kind of people. Without the right people strategy based opportunities would be lost to a better staffed organization like Motorola and IBM (Werther Davis 1996). Recruitment is one of the important activities of the HR department. Recruitment is mostly concerned with attracting and finding individuals who are capable for employment. The recruitment process begins s when the new recruits are sought and this process ends when the applicant submits and application. People who find new recruits are called recruiters. The process of hiring is faced with some limitations like costs, incentives, job requirements, policies of the company, environment conditions, insufficient and scarce resources and EEO legislation etc. Recruitment is done in two ways 1) internal channel which includes job posting program and departing employees 2) External channel which includes advertising, walk-in and write-ins, employee referrals, state employment agencies, open house, international recruiting, temporary help agencies and leased employees etc (Recruitment Process) Selection is one of the activities of the HR department. Selection is defined as a process that is based on specific steps that are used to describe that which individual should be hired. This process starts when the individual applies for the job and it ends when the final decision is made by the management of the company. the selection process is also faced with some limitations like EEO legislation, Workforce diversity and external prohibitions etc. ( The Selection Process). The selection process is based on eight steps and these steps are as follows:- †¢ Preliminary reception of applications †¢ Employment tests †¢ Selection interview †¢ Preference and background checks †¢ Medical tests †¢ Supervisory interview †¢ Realistic job preview †¢ Hiring decision Orientation, Placement and Separation is considered to be an activity of HRM. Orientation can be defined as when the new recruits are given an overview of the company on the first day of work. The orientation program of the company is based on the following goals 1) the pride of belonging to the company 2) creates awareness about the company’s business 3) emphasize on customer focus and service 4) helps to reduce the concerns that are related to the job 5) helps with development of a team member and 6) helps to establish personal growth etc. Placement can be defined as the work activities that are assigned to a new employee. The role of HR department here is that to advice the managers of the company about the rules and the regulations and it also provide counseling to the employees. Placement is based on 3 classes 1) promotion, transfer and demotion. Separation can be defined as a decision where the individual and the company must part. Separation process starts either the employer or the employee. The role of HR department is to find a method which is satisfactory for conducting a separation in such a way that it reduces the harmful factors that might affect the company. Training Development is concerned with that placing the employees in a job does not give the company the surety that the individual would be successful in his or her job. Training and development programs are considered important for all the employees. The distinction between training and development is that training is for now and development is for the future. For example at Corning Glass there are a lot of learning opportunities that range from skilled orientation training to seminars that deal with development issues, they basically help the managers to face the issues that might arise in the future. The employees of the company are not bothered that the class is intended for training or development. It is only concerned with whether the program has helped the employees and the organization or not (Training and Development). Training and development are based on the following steps: †¢ Need assessment †¢ Learning principles †¢ Program content †¢ Training and development objectives There are some challenges that are faced by HR department due to training and development. For example cost effectiveness, desired program content, learning principles and appropriateness of the facilities etc. The role of HR department over here is that it helps to prepare the individuals for future job responsibilities. And it also attempts stops the employees from obsolesce, work force diversity, technological changes, affirmation action and employee turnover etc. (Werther Davis 1996) Career planning is one of the activities of the HRM. When the department is doing career planning it is mostly concerned with whether the company’s training and development programs has helped the employees with promotion chances or not. A couple of decades ago career planning was seen as an individual’s problem but now career planning is seen as the HR department’s problem. The HR managers and specialist see career planning as a way to meet the internal staffing needs. The involvement of the HR department in career planning is increasing everyday due to its benefits like low turnover, satisfies the needs of the employees, personal growth, helps with workforce diversity and decrease hoarding etc. Performance appraisal is one of the major activities of HRM. Performance appraisal can be defined as evaluating an employee’s current or past performances relative to his or her performance standard. In this competitive world companies require a high performance so that they can become dominant leaders in their perspective markets. And at the same time employees also need feedback on their performance so that it can act as a guide for their future behavior and responsibilities. There are some challenges that are faced by the HR department regarding the performance appraisal like legal constraints, rater’s biases regarding the employee based on halo effect or personal prejudice or even cross cultural biases etc. It has been vied been viewed by the experts that when there is poor performance throughout the company it creates huge problems with the human resource management activities(Grote Grote 1996). Wages and Salaries are concerned with compensation. Compensation can be defined as something the employees receive in their return of their input to the organization. Without proper compensation the employees of the company would leave and it would be difficult for the company to hire new recruits. The result of pay dissatisfaction can harm the productivity of the company and can also harm the quality of work life as well. There are some challenges that affect the compensation plan like wage rates, union, constraints by the government and equal pay etc. ( Salary and Wages) Security, Safety and Health is considered a challenge for the HR experts that how to comply proactively with the minimum costs for the organization and to provide with the minimum of costs for the organization and to provide the greatest of benefits to its employees, whereas in the area of employee security and health companies have taken a proactive action. It is the role of the HR department to face the challenges that arise overtime. The HR is usually faced with 2 kinds of challenges: 1) Internal challenges which are also the organizational challenges. Internal challenges for example would include union, information systems, organizational conflicts between the company and the employees. 2) External challenges are those problems that exist due to the changing environment and the management has no control over it. Change in the company’s environment actually evolves at different kinds of rates. External challenges would include workforce diversity, technology, economics and government. The HR department has to follow 4 steps so that they can overcome the external challenges. They are as follows: †¢ Monitor the environment †¢ Evaluate the impact of the challenges on the company †¢ Take proactive measures that is implement approaches that would help the company to achieve its goals †¢ Obtain and analyze the feedback. It is the role of the HR department to achieve a balance between the trade-offs of efficiency and effectiveness. For example when jobs are under specialized the job design may be simplified by decreasing the number of tasks and if the job is over specialized the number of job tasks can be enriched and expanded by the human resource department.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Entrepreneurship Facing Double The Risk Marketing Essay

Entrepreneurship Facing Double The Risk Marketing Essay The flowering tea shops have market; have a benefit, few competitors, and small investment. Nowadays, entrepreneurship facing double the risk that is from the capital and competition. The flower tea shops have great market potential, such a large potential from women and a developed country such as Singapore. Woman in Singapore developed countries, daily work quite hard, Whether physical or mental, all have posed immense pressure, in the company have boss and work pressure, while back home, also are not necessarily relaxed, there are a lot of housework or children, If it is a strong devotion to women, Will be more tired, pressure is from the company task, or is by their own psychological pressure. Imperceptibly, life becomes boring at all. Even more frightening is that this pressure is not good channels and ways to relax. Not only need relax the body, mind has also need been relaxed. Flower tea shop selling not just tea, more of services, is a feeling, is a let the women get double relaxation of body and mind, and even sublimation place. Why girls will spend several hundred dollars to do SPA, these women are not necessarily to do skin maintenance, May be more to enjoy in order to get one supremacy service, let the body relax, relieve work pressure. Coffee shops and pubs also have a relaxing effect, but women go to the coffee shop is not the best choice, less likely to go to the bar to get a real sense of relaxation, only temporary physical release and catharsis. SPA high grade casual place not everyone can go feel, the price is too high, could only meet part of the population. Flower tea shop can make consumers to feel at home, comfortable atmosphere, soothing music with fragrance of flower tea, can get real on the body and mind to relax. The store will also carry out a number of limitations, in order to ensure that every customer can enjoy the perfect relaxed atmosphere of flower tea shop. Flower tea with health and beauty effect will be sought after by the female customers. An enterprise focus on should be the service and standards. GOOD TIME flower tea shop form is flower tea, spirit is the service, atmosphere and feeling. Flower tea shops are not profit-oriented and customer-oriented. Then will be able to get succeed in the rapidly developing countries of Singapore. 2.1 Company current status Flower tea shop belonging to a limited liability partnership  ¼Ã‹â€ LLP) , the registered capital of only the S $ 165. Make that choice because it can help reduce the start-up capital of the Company. 2.2 Company name and logo The company name is GOOD TIME, mean that flowers tea can bring to every consumer good mood. Take away by all day of the fatigue and stress. Get physically and mentally relax. 2.3 The location of company The GOOD TIME flowers tea shops will open in city hall areas. One reason the rent is cheaper relative to the Orchard areas, Second reason is a major consumer of flower tea shop white-collar women, Singapore the city hall region relatively more than high-rise buildings and department stores, white collar females in this area will be more than other place, the lot more consumers and relatively cheap rents is the best choice for flower tea shop. (Source: created for this business plan Adapt from Google, 2012. 2.4 Mission statement Vision comes from the old English word witan, means to know, as in the power of anticipating that which will or may come to be. A companys vision is an expression of the businesss aspirations going forward-what we desire to become. (Thomas, 2009 A) GOOD TIME flower tea store has an exciting ambition to become Singapores largest chain operations flower tea stores, with high-quality service and products, to provide customers with healthy and natural. In order to achieve this goal, the flowers tea store knows the company needs to nurture great people. The companies want the best talent working at GOOD TIME no matter who they are. The companies will also positive innovation and development products. 2.5 Vision statement Mission comes from the Latin word, mission meaning sending away a group to a foreign country. Companys mission (or mission statement) describes the fundamental purpose of the organization-why we exist. (Thomas, 2009 B) The mission of GOOD TIME flower tea store is to become an extension of the living room of the middle and upper class families, high quality and low overhead social spaces, the third best place to work outside the home. 2.6 Company management system In the early stage the operating area is small, small staff, relatively easy to manage. The company has one manager, one technical personnel, one waiter, two waitresses and one cashier. Requirements: Employees must work on time every day. If the employee is faced with an emergency or have a specific reason can not to go to work, needed to ask for leave to the consent of the boss agreed. Work is not allowed to answer personal phone calls, not absent without leave, at least left a staff at the front desk. Before off duty need to tidy up drinks area of tables, chairs and tea set. after the boss visits, then the staff can leaving.(Tea are glassware, fragile, if any damage to be according to the cost of compensation) 3. Indusrty Analysis 3.1 PESTLE analysis (Source: created for this project adapted from internet) One of the most common models used to analysis the macro environment is the PEST analysis, which focuses on four elements: Political, Economical, Socio-demographical, and Technological factors. The PEST analysis is sometimes expanded with two factors: Legislative and environmental, renaming the PESTLE analysis. (Poul 2010) Completing a PESTLE analysis is very simple and can be undertaken by individuals, or during a team meeting or workshop. Originally referred to as PEST analysis, the legal and environment prompts were added in more recent times. (Stationery Office 2010) 3.1.1 Political factor The Singapore political risk is relatively low, compared to other countries. Singapore is a democratic country, the elected representative of the whole country, Since Singapores independence, Politics has been relatively stable, Singapore has become a better business opportunities for countries. In order to adapt to the commercial economic globalization trends, The Singapore government has recognized that in addition to support commercial also need to support entrepreneurship. Therefore, Singapore is one of the countries with the lowest tax of the worlds, In addition to the tax rates and tax incentives, Singapore is also widely with 70 countries has a double taxation avoidance agreements .Since 2012 only 17% of the corporate income tax (2012). Tax concessions flexible and less political risk for the development of enterprises in Singapore has a good role in promoting. 3.1.2 Economic factor Singapores annual economic growth rate is 4.9% in 2011(2012). However, due to Singapores trade and financial openness, the continued turmoil in the euro zone debt crisis and other adverse external factors will have a significant impact on the economic growth of Singapore. Experts predict that, if the euro debt crisis worsens ¼Ã…’Coupled with the slow U.S. economic recovery ¼Ã…’Singapore this years economic growth rate has dropped to 1% or less. However, in Singapore the internal environment of low unemployment and low interest rates will be able to support domestic demand. Singapore has sufficient policy space to mitigate the adverse impact of the global slowdown and financial market turmoil. Although the global economic outlook is not optimistic, although the global economic outlook is not optimistic, Slowdown in external demand, Decline in trade and other adverse factors will impact on the Singapore economy. But Food, beverages and tobacco industry GDP in the first half of 2012 still an increase of 4.0%; Singapores economic growth is expected to rebound to 3.4% in 2013 (2012). So, in this light that Singapore economic turmoil for the food, beverage and tobacco industry will not be too adversely affected. 3.1.3 Socio-demographical factor Population is constitute the market most basic factors, Demographic factors of a country or region, In a certain sense to decide the countrys market size and market appeal. According to the 2010 Population Census in Singapore, the total pulsations are 5.08 million. Citizens and permanent residents is 3.77 million, a 15.3% increase over 2000.Sex ratio: 0.95:1.00. In the age group, 13.8% of 0-14 years old, 77% between 15-64 years of age, 9.2% for 65 years of age or older. Singapore citizen is use racial to distinction: Chinese accounted for 74.1% of the population, 13.4% of the Malaysian, Indians 9.2% and Eurasians 3.3%, the main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism (2010). Singapores growing population is conducive to the increase in the Singapore market size and market appeal. Due to women, young people and the elderly is a major consumer of herbal tea crowd, the female population is more than male population is conducive to the development of the herbal tea industry. Tea culture originated in China, the Chinese people love tea, Singapore has 74.1% of the Chinese, and this will bring good prospects for herbal tea sales. 3.1.4 Technological factor Technological factor affecting the competitiveness of the products, technological innovation that can enhance the product vitality, flower tea stores itself is an innovative, in Singapore market the most of the beverage industry are tea stores, coffee stores and there are also have many herbal tea store, but this herbal tea stores is very common and have a long history , flower tea store is all use the flowers as a raw material, flower tea also call herbal tea, health, beauty and other features will attract the attention and love of many consumers. Followed by the technological innovation is the innovation of the product itself, the company will have a bold innovation for herbal tea tastes, not only ordinary single herbal tea, will also introduce a comprehensive herbal tea, fruit mixed herbal tea and flavor spices herbal tea, each quarter of the company also will launch a new herbal tea, in order to adapt to market demand progress. Finally, environmental innovation will bring physical and sensory enjoyment to the customer, the store will set up three different styles of drink tea zone, use of flower, forest and bamboo as the main theme, the chair will only appear on the form of the swing, and strive to allow customers to experience the immersive feel. 3.1.5 Legislative factor Legal factors include consumer law, antitrust law, discrimination law and health and safety law. Singapore law from strict system of is also the world famous. Strict legal system for Businessmen bring protection also brings some constraints. Singapore to amend the Consumer Protection Act in February 2012 and starting at September, The vast majority of legitimate business retailers will not have much effect; there will not be too much of the burden. Singapore is a small country and has small population, resource scarcity, so Singapore attaches great importance to food safety issues, and has been to strengthen the food safety law, intended to eliminate and reduce the inflow of substandard food. The company in order to ensure the smooth good development in Singapore, the company will comply with all laws and regulations, not only to protect the companys own interests but also to protect the interests of consumers. 3.1.6 Environmental factor Singapores population high density, more people and less land, coupled with the perennial high temperatures and rainy and other environmental problems. Just have very few people planting flowers and tea, the tea mainly relied on imports or a small part of the territory of the processing, Not only imports of Chinese tea, but also imported British tea. Therefore, due to the special environment of Singapore, flower tea generally require from Chinese imports, although the tea in China is high quality and reasonable price, However, due to imports still lead to the cost of flower tea increase. Singapore has relatively long drink herbal tea culture, Singapore is a tropical region, it is easy to heatstroke, and tea can resolve summer heat. Also, because Singapore belongs to the developed countries, the pursuit of a healthy diet is relatively high, more and more people love to drink tea. So comprehensive market environment in Singapore, flower tea for its health features will conquer Singaporeans. 3.2 Porters Five Forces à ¤Ã‚ »- (Source: created for this project adapted from internet) Michael Porter is widely recognized as the greatest and most influential thinkers of business theory, praised as the father of competitive strategy. Porters five forces model in the last two decades is one of the well-known concept of the corporate strategy makers. For the strategy makers, in the implementation of any strategy that may affect a companys strategic position, these five forces play an indispensable leverage. Collection of five competitive forces can determine the profitability of a company. The five forces energy intensity will be different in different industries, and will change with the development of the industry. (Charles and Gareth 2009) These five forces are: Rivalry among competitors Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers The threat of substitute (Source: created for this business plan) 3.2.1 Rivalry among competitors (strong) The competition will lead to in marketing, research and developments put into or reduce, the results will reduce the companys profits. Factors affecting the intensity of competition: Exit barriers, industry concentration, industry growth rate, degree of product differentiation, brand recognition, opponents difference degree and so on. In Singapore market has a dedicated sales flower tea competitiveness is few, But in the entire beverage industry competitors are more ¼Ã…’Like milk tea store (KOI, Sweat talk), herbal tea stores (the zhengzhongping, Fuhua), coffee(starbucks), teahouse. These beverage outlets are generally chain operations, strong popularity and have the fixed customer base, deeply by the Singapore people love, so those beverage outlets have strong Competitiveness. Faced with strong competitors ¼Ã…’Company should actively learn from competitors strategic approach, constantly to change the self strategy and to develop a long-term goal, flower tea stores spirit of health, weight-loss, beauty and other characteristics, must be able to build a new field. 3.2.3 Threat of new entrants (weak) The arrival of new competitors will inevitably break the equilibrium in the market, caused by the reaction of existing competitors compete ¼Ã…’it is inevitable to transferred the new resource used to compete, so make gains reduce. Factors affect of potential entrants: Price advantage, capital investment, government policy is to protect, economies of scale, brand influence, the high cost of conversion, the retaliatory confrontation and exclusive possession of the product. The flower tea store appear as a relatively new drinks ¼Ã…’Is relatively rare in China, especially in Singapore, flower tea store have a very small threat of new entrants, the biggest threat may come from and teahouse. Since teahouse and flower tea store is a similar type, flower tea belongs to a kind of tea, China is the worlds earliest discovered tea tree country, and also is the first national cultivation of tea tree. Chinese tea culture has a long history, the Chinese people in their daily life are inseparable from the tea, and more and more foreigners also had a keen interest in Chinas tea culture. Singapore has 74.1% of the Chinese (2010), so flower tea peer competition is from the teahouse. Flower tea store should actively to face competition from new entrants, and learn from each other, and continue to progress. Of the threat as a motive power, in order to remain invincible in the fierce competitive environment, obtaining à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the largest gains. 3.2.3 Bargaining power of buyers (weak) If the buyer is have the bargaining power. They will take advantage of it. This will reduce the companys profits and its results are the impact of the rate of return. Factors affecting the buyers ability to: bargaining power, access to information, brand recognition, price sensitivity, backward integration, the selection of alternatives, incentive systems, such as government subsidies. The flowers tea industry in different regions will have different results, if in the Chinese market, the tea industry competition is very strong, This means that customers will have more choice, if the Operators want to get more benefits and customers in a competitive environment, It must reduce prices or improve the quality of products and services in order to attract more customers, and thereby gain interest. In this case, the buyers bargaining power is strong. However the flowers tea shops in the Singapore market is a fledgling stage, mainly competitors is from the alternatives industrys, Competition in the same industry is relatively small, The flowers tea stores in the spirit of the excellent quality of itself, the product owned health and beauty, slimming features, Most customers will be attracted by the characteristics of the product itself, especially female customers will be interested by the beauty and slimming function. In this case, the buyers bargaining power is relatively weak. 3.2.4 Bargaining power of suppliers (medium) The bargaining power of suppliers is contrast with the buyer, the suppliers will try to raise prices; its results will also affect the companys rate of return. Factors that influence the ability of suppliers: Concentration of suppliers, the importance of the product of the number of suppliers, invest the difference, investment cost and differentiation, alternative products inputs presence, threat of forward integration, the cost in the purchasing power of the relative industry. Singapores population high density, more people and less land, coupled with the perennial high temperatures and rainy and other environmental problems. So flowers tea is mainly dependent on imports, Currently able to supply the flowers tea shops of the products have Chinese ¼Ã…’Germany, France, UK, Australia, Canada and other countries. Due to the limited cost and China is a country has a long history of tea culture, close to Singapore, can be reduce the cost of imports. So most import source from China, due to china has many tea suppliers and its mainly distributed in South China region, however, for a single type flower tea suppliers is relatively less, flower tea in China is in the initial stage, although the development of very fast, but still there is no more tea suppliers, so the bargaining power of suppliers is middle. 3.2.5 The threat of substitute  ¼Ã‹â€ medium ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° The existence of alternative flowers tea products and services on the market that means that the flowers tea product prices will be limited. Factors affecting the substitutes: conversion costs ¼Ã…’the preference of the buyer of the alternatives, cost performance of the alternatives and alternative relationship. With the development of science and technology, appeared a growing number of substitute products. Substitutes is means the two products exists the competing sales relationship ¼Ã…’That the increase in the sales of a product that will reduce the potential sales of another product. Flower tea store in the Singapore market substitutes was herbal tea shop, like FuHua. The two stores have the same characteristics, health. Herbal tea shop popular in Singapore for a long time, Herbal tea shops usually provide customers with finished ¼Ã…’can be drunk directly, cheap and convenient features already have some loyal customers ¼Ã…’and have strong profitability. So it will bring greater pressure on some of the companys original products ¼Ã…’Sometimes had to reduce prices in order to increase sales ¼Ã…’this makes some price constraints on a lower level, the Company in a passive position in the competition. flower tea shops own start-up capital is relatively small, the conversion costs of the substitutes is small, then the herb tea shop on the pressure brought by the company will be bigger. So can be drawn by said threat of substitutes is relatively medium. Flower tea stores should be taken to reduce the price of a product, same time vigorously to promote have anti-obesity product, and this will not only improve the sales of the product, but will also reduce the sales of substitute products. This at the expense of a product, stable development of another product strategy, can improve the popularity of the product and the companies, at the same time leave a good image in the minds of customers. 3.3 SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of a company, it provides information that is helpful in matching the companys resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates .the resulting SWOT matrix contrasts the results of the internal analysis (strengths and weakness) and the external analysis (opportunities and threats) to define strategic fields of action. That application of a SWOT analysis is therefore instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. (Nadine and Anne 2009) 3.3.1 Strengths Health Beauty More innovative Price is moderate Easy to preserve, quality is relatively stable Herbal tea is known as health tea, in the West, flowers tea called Herbal Tea, A beverage based on the herb for the preparation of raw materials. Flowers tea market in Singapore is a whole new market. Has the characteristic of the return to nature, health, health and beauty, is a romantic casual drink. It does not contain caffeine, so avoid the ordinary tea make it difficult to sleep and so on. Edible natural flowers contains a variety of plant extracts and a biologically active substance, possess Nutrition, health and medicinal properties. Flowers tea join berry after brewing, colorful, overflowing aroma, ratio of traditional drink more innovative, so better able to attract more of the pursuit of female beauty. Herbal tea possess the efficacy of herbal tea, but the sweet smell taste far inferior to Herbal tea, natural majority of young people are choosing the latter. Price is moderate to possess a wide range of consumption basis, flowers tea is unlike the green tea, oolong tea, Puer tea mostly positioned in the ranks the high-end products, flowers tea product positioning in the low-end, easy to form a scale, and has the a wide range of consumption basis. Flowers tea is easy to save, the quality is relatively stable. Flower tea is relatively the green tea and oolong tea that is relatively easy is saved. The flower tea is reprocessing tea ¼Ã…’in flower tea production process, through the blending ¼Ã…’plastic and other delicate process, processing of the tea quality maintain a relatively stable, easy to formation of scale and brand management. 3.3.2 Weakness Brand awareness is small Competitor multi High Manage risk flower tea shop is an emerging industry in Singapore ¼Ã…’Singapore market are mostly packed flower tea. No one tea shop can be provided to the customer a space drinks tea and provide ready-made flower tea drinks. This emerging flower tea shop is relatively not having the brand awareness in Singapore market. Flower tea shop in beverage market possesses many competitors, such as coffee shops, herbal tea shops and milk tea shop. these drinks for Singapore consumers have a great affection ¼Ã…’These drinks shop can attract different sectors of consumer groups and have a fixed customer base. Many shops are chain management, with a strong brand awareness and competitiveness. Flower tea shop belonging the early start, have strong manage risk, improper management typically include: Arbitrary decision-making, information barrier ¼Ã…’Concept is unclear, worry about the outcome ¼Ã…’Choosing the wrong people ¼Ã…’ignore the innovation ¼Ã…’Eager to succeed ¼Ã…’Blindly follow the trend, Weak-willed so on. Especially early start by a single of knowledge, Lack of experience, financial strength and mental quality obviously insufficient, Will increase in management of risk. 3.3.3 Opportunities Huge consumer market The pursuit of health Singapore is tropical rainforest climate In Singapore, the proportion of women and men is 1:0.95, people between 15-64 years of age accounted for 77% of the total population of Singapore(2010), and Herbal tea positioned of major consumer group is women and young people. Singapore belongs to the developed countries, the relatively high level of per capita consumption. Therefore, flower tea shop in Singapore has a huge consumer market. With the continuous development of society, Consumers in pursuit of the simple life while also increasing emphasis on health issues. Consumers in the purchase of product will also pay attention to that product impact on health and the environment, natural without any additives food has become the darling of the modern society. Flowers tea without any additives also has a healthy, weight-loss, beauty and other effects will naturally by the majority of consumers love, especially female consumers. Consumer to the health commodity needs will make the flowers tea with a huge space for development. The Singapore in equatorial online, so year round in the tropical rain forest climate, hot, rainy natural environment is easy to bring heat stroke and other discomfort. Singapore people for reduce pathogenic drinks have very large demand; flowers tea has a lot of the product itself that owned have Reduce Pathogenic effect, and tasty, beautiful appearance. So the flower tea will be welcomed by the people of Singapore. 3.3.4 Threats Beauty and lose weight method is more and more Consumers have a certain degree of drinking habits In the technological advances of today, beauty and lose weight method is more and more, like skin care products and plastic surgery. People will choose the direct use of skin care products to beauty, the effect is more obvious and more quickly. but want to use the flower tea to achieve weight-loss and beauty effect that must be kept within a period of time to drink tea in every day, the effect and speed was not as good as cosmetics to the better, So this is a threat for flowers tea. Most consumers already have some drinking habits. Such as tea, milk, coffee, milk, juice, cola, herbal tea and other drinks has been deep into the minds of consumers, and these drinks are widely distributed, easy to buy , each customer will could paying for these drinks, flower tea shop wants to change the habits of the customer will be more difficult. The customers for drinking habits will generate some threats and obstacles for flowers tea sales. 3.4 Competitor analysis There are various forms of commercial competition in the market, these competitions from several competitors and the level of competition is increasingly fierce. In this competitive environment, upper policymakers main task is the precise positioning of the company, accurately locked resources as well as according to their environment to capitalize on the trend. Therefore, whether skilled business and competitive analysis will determine whether a company has competitiveness and whether it also allowed them to benefit the interests of the partners. Flower tea stores in Singapores one of the biggest competitors is KOI Cafe. In fact, the popular for pearl milk tea in Singapore has subsided awaited, but ¼Ã…’the 50 LAN from Taiwan with a unique marketing mode that won the favor of the handsome boys girls. KOI Cafe bubble tea completely the production of raw materials and methods ¼Ã…’Even shaking drinks machine is also from Taiwan. Its greatest feature and selling point is humane service. Guests can choose the beverage tastes, requirements according to their individual preferences adding 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the different sugar content. In this way, the beauty of the people does not have to be afraid of fat on the bubble tea prohibitive. KOI Cafe prices between 1.40 and 6.70 Singapore dollars of KOI Cafe Declaration: uphold service quality, health, and our insistence and attitudes, let 50 LAN in Singapore also dazzling (2012). Flower tea shop in Singapores second largest competitor is Starbucks. Starbucks is the worlds leading coffee chain, Established in 1971, Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States. Starbuckss retail products, including 30 variety of the worlds top coffee beans , handcrafted espresso coffee and a variety of coffee hot and cold drinks, delicious pastries fresh food as well as a variety of coffee machines, coffee mugs and other merchandise. Starbucks is not just coffee, Coffee only a carrier. It is through the coffee this vector, Starbucks to send a unique style to the customer. Coffee consumption is largely an emotional and cultural level of consumer; cultural communication needs Coffee shop to create the environment culture capable of infecting customers, and the formation of a good interactive experience. Starbucks loved by many students and office workers in Singapore. But most Starbucks shops service charge of 17% (2010), higher consumption threshold, store often customers too much, leading to congestion. 3.5 Competitive Profile Matrix Table 1 ¼Ã… ¡Competitive Profile Matrix of GOOD TIME Flower Tea Company (Source: created for this business plan) From this CPM matrix can be drawn: the competitive situation in GOOD TIME flower tea store, the company matrix weighted score is 2.75; its main competitor KOI Cafe and Starbucks weighted score is 3.2 and 3.45. From the matrix of the competitive situation, we can conclude that the strength of the order of the competitive situation in the Flower tea store market from strong to weak order: Starbucks, KOI Cafe, GOOD TIME flower tea store. This is reflects the GOOD TIME flower tea store in the Singapore market is not very strong and market share is not high. However ¼Ã…’Starbucks the indicators are more than Flower tea store, Flower tae store is in the future development of the Starbucks as the goal, and actively strive to develop. 4. Products and Services Line The old saying say that man drinking tea, woman drinking herbal tea, flower tea is a natural drink, Rich in vitamins, and does not contain caffeine and artificial coloring. Herbal tea set tea flavor and flower scent into one. While maintaining the rich refreshing tea flavor and in the same time also have deeply flower scent. The flower tea has a good pharmacological effect, long-term drinking the herbal tea for human body all kind various diseases has a certain improvement, and there also have a lot of benefit for acne, weight-loss, and defecation and so on. 4.1 Product GOOD TIME Flower Tea Company is contains four major product, are the single flower tea, comprehensive flower tea, mixed fruit flower tea and spices flower tea. Single flower tea (Source: adapted from <

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

SWOT Analysis of HM

SWOT Analysis of HM The paper provides an overview on Hennes Mauritz (HM), analyzing the industry environment and the position in the retail market. The paper also explores the impact of the recession upon the human resource management activities, based on publicly available details of HM, which has been analyzed and presented within the context of the perspective. Introduction The retail industry is usually a very dynamic, and a fast changing sector in the market. It represents one of the main sectors in the UK economy, in terms of employment, transactions and turnover, so that as a consequence, it is a highly competitive and a sophisticated industry. Thompson (2002) argues that economic conditions are an important element in the industry and he states that they may affect the way, weather easy or difficult, a business runs the activity successfully and profitable .Furthermore he claims that economic conditions may affect both capital availability, cost and demand. Companies in the fashion sector have to keep all the time the attention on monitoring the market, and should try to identify any new trends as soon as possible and, above all, they have to keep up with the customers increasing expectations, needs and changing tastes. As the paper shows above, the analysis will be on the HennesMauritz fashion business which is considered one of the worlds favourite and preferred designers of clothes and accessories for man, women, teenagers and babies. In addition, HM its also known not only for the fashion cosmetics and accessories but also because of the quality of the clothes ,using sustainable materials like organic cotton, wool and organic denim, all being environmental friendly (HM website (1), viewed 20 October 2010). According to the Datamonitor (2010, p.4) HM is a large clothing retailer with its operations primarily set in Europe, North America, and Asia, owning in 2009 1,988 stores worldwide and reaching sales of 119 billion Sweden Kronor. (HM website (2), viewed 20 October 2010). The companys main office is based in Stockholm, Sweden and employs almost 76,000 workers out of which more than 53,476 are on full time employment as of November 2009. HMs strategic approach is to offer designer clothes to general population at affordable prices, the company working with such brand names as Stella McCartney, Karl Lagerfeld, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin (Capell Beucke 2005, p. 16; Kroll 2004, p. 71; Zimmerman 2009, p. D1; WWD 2010, p. 2). RECESSION IN RETAIL SECTOR Nowadays almost all kinds of industries are willing to maintain their competitive position in the market during the recession period. Most of the challenges that the retail market faces are related to the economic and the financial aspects. The fashion industry faced unfavourable situation due to the reduction of the money spent on clothes, but also due to the change in consumers behaviour. According to Kambil (2009) recession should last less than 2 years, and managers should take full advantage of this in order to rethink and renew their strategies and their competitive positions in the UK retail market. The UK retail market was just one of the industries hit by the global economic downturn, as shoppers were forced to limit their spending and consumer confidence was shaken by the failure of important retail giants like Woolworth. With the retail market getting back on its feet in 2010 particularly the online sales segment, where UK web sales grew by 18% in August 2010 (BBC website, ), compared with the same month a year earlier one of the most pressing concerns is whether there will be long-term effects on consumer confidence or spending. The retail industry has been an excellent contributor to the UKs economy. According to the British Retail Consortium, the retail sector is one of the second largest employers in the UK, employing 11% of the UK workforce, some 2.9 million people as of March 2009. Historical evidences depict that the UKs economic development has been dominantly fuelled by the successes in the fashion industry especially because of the existence of 286,680 retail outlets in the UK (British Retail Consortium website). Over all these years, industrial success in textiles and fashion goods component have been significant and can be attributed to the continuous change and improvements in the lifestyle of the shoppers and the increasing value being placed to such products. Consumers constantly experimented different looks, styles, fabrics and ideas and their interest in fashion accessories has been stimulated by high media exposure, which have been growing over the last few years. This assiduous rise in the consumer spending on fashion products led to practically unchallenged growth in the industry. Despite the crisis in this sector of the economy, some of the organizations managed to grow their market share. According to Kambil (2008) companies need to focus their attention on the market share and in addition they had to launch new products and adjust the existing ones in order to improve their relations with the customers. Using HM as a company example, they tried to beat the effects of the downturn, by launching designer clothes in partnership with well-know designers like Jimmy Choo, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin this November (HM website, viewed 21 October 2010). Moreover the economic recession has affected many HR Processes and they needed to be adapted to the new economic environment and furthermore they had to be ready to face the new reality. The impact of the recession is not the same and many HR Processes can continue their regular operation without any adjustment. Even if recession has affected many fashion organisations, closing stores or slashing prices, one of the big retailers operating on the UK market, HM ,was keeping quite well, in addition they were opening stores, entering new markets, and adding new brands (Spiegel website, April 9 2008, ). Another major effect of the recession in the retail industry is the staff redundancies. According to The Telegraph website there is an important downsizing in this sector, which may affect retail organisations in many ways. The article shows that at the beginning of 2009 economists were announcing massive staff reductions between 100,000 and 135,000 jobs due to the severity of the slowdown. Moreover the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development predicted at that time more than 600,000 jobs will be lost and many companies will be forced to freeze their workforces pay. Sales have been also suffering by the economic downturn, reporting a volume of retail sales lower with 0.1% than October last year (National Statistics Online website, Among the factors that should be taken into consideration is the current economic growth rate in the nation. This directly refers to an economys rise in value of services or goods produced. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the case of United Kingdom, the economic growth rate in 2010 grew by 1.1% in the second quarter of the year (BBC website, National Statistics Online website, ). Another economic factor that may influence retail business in the fashion industry is the inflation. According to the BBC newspaper, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation increased to 3.2% in October from 3.1% per cent in the previous month (BBC newspaper,, Appendix A) SWOT Analysis of HM According to Armstrong (2004) SWOT is defined as (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and is a popular framework for developing a marketing strategy. SWOT analysis is basically done to find out if they have sufficient resources to cover their weakness and still achieve their objective. Strength Hennes Mauritz AB build its strengths by operating through complementary retail channels stores, Internet, and printed catalogues. According to Datamonitor (2010) one of the significant strength of HM Company is the request for its products which rise up the inventory turnover and enables low price cut. Customer express their preference for HM product especially clothes because of its quality at the best price but also because of the stores which are refreshed and reordered daily with new garments products. Moreover, collaboration with designer like Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin this November, which are very well know worldwide, will improve the desire for their garments ,but also will accelerate sales growth ( Business week website, viewed 19 October 2010) . Another major strength of HM is the presence on different markets such as Europe, North America and Asia with almost 2000 stores (HM website (4), viewed 20 October 2010). This fact is a positive aspect for the company because they can diversify their risk, but also be sustainably- financially, socially and environmentally (CSR Report 2009). Weaknesses One of the most important and noticeable weakness that HM encounters is the segment that the fashion company targets. HM designs clothes for young customers offering them the HM Divided and HM L.O.G.G collections. Second fact that can be taken into consideration as a weaknesses is the shoppers base which is influenced by the macro economic environment in a negative way (Datamonitor 2010).The article claims that HM focus on the young segment of the market, which is one of the worst hit by the recession, with 21% rate of unemployment for teenagers under age of 25. Opportunities First of all, one of the most important opportunities that HM faces is the e-commerce. According to Datamonitor (2010) HM online sales grew by 22% with 4.7% of the total retail online sales in Europe. Moreover the online sales within more 17 European Countries (such as France, UK, Germany) are estimated to grow by 11% each year over the next five years. Even if the recession affected the retail industry, Hennes Mauritz opened in 2009 250 stores worldwide with 25 more than they planned. (HM website (3), viewed 21 October 2010) Second of all, the expansion plans 2010-1011 for HM intend to reach a 10-15 % each year. The Company tries to focus on markets like Asia where the sales double over, China Japan and South Korea. (Financial times website October 20, 2010). Another opportunity that HM takes full advantage of is the use of organic cotton which classified the company in the top twelve global brands and retailer using organic cotton. Threats Threats of the company are also related to the economic recession because shoppers spend less money on clothes. Over the year 2010 employment were expected to become worse, peaking towards the end of the year at approximately 10.3% and consumers were expected to apply for benefits. Second major threat for the organisation is the VAT which has been reduced in the UK in 2008 by 15% and in January 2010 has been changed again do 17.5%. Apart of this change the cost for cotton has been modified as well with almost 60-75 % by the end of 2009 and with 20-30% during 2010 (Datamonitor 2010 , ). Human Resource Management in a recession The retail sector is one of the most hit by the global economic recession, so that managers should handle the effects of recession as professionally as possible in a downturn. But since when human resource management is dealing with the implementation of the strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals, the department become one of the most responsible to bring the organisation on the right track during recession time. According to Kambil (2008) there are some important steps that a business should follow in order to maintain their competitive position on the market. Some of these vital steps are the improvement of prices in order to grow margins, the increase of the financial and operational efficiency, but also the concentration on the market share. According to Armstrong (2009, p.5) the purpose of the human resource management is to make sure that an organisation is able to perform well through its staff, but also to increase the efficiency and the capability of the business. Furthermore, it also helps the business to reach it goals by using the resources available to their best use. One of the first processes affected by a recession is the recruitment selection policies which have been massively affected by the recession. Newell and Shackleton (2000) argues that recruitment and selection process involves making anticipation about what will happen, so that decisions are made about who is the most suitable person for a certain job that can increase the performance of an organisation. Now managers and recruitment agencies are being extra careful who they bring in, and they prefer to rethink and implement new strategies in order to improve their relations with the customers. In addition, companies are even more demanding than before, making sure that they recruit the best candidate that can bring real value to the company. Another significant effect on human resource management which impact an organization in recession time is the cost cutting. Retailers are conscious about the situation of the business and try to do everything to maintain their competitive position on the market. They started to cut working hours, holidays, labour costs, and travel expenses and they dont offer long-term benefits anymore. According to Retail Week website ( ) organizations needed to reduce its cost not only to their store level, but also to their head offices. The career and development process have been also affected by the recession, so that managers offer limited trainings to their staff. Selecting and training employees with great potential, contribute to the increase of the sales and organisations performance. It also leads to a more structured career path which ensures that staff has the necessary skills to improve the quality of services and products of a company. Introducing flexible working arrangements and part-paid sabbaticals is another effect of the recession that has a significant impact on an organisation impact on an organization. Managers prefer to make these changes, rather than implementing redundancy programmes, because it allows them to manage every cost. This measure eliminates the need of hiring extra staff for busy periods such as Christmas or Easter holidays. The operations are also suffering due to the recession, because managers develop different channels which imply lower labour costs, such as online sales. A number of retailers found more innovative ways to deal with cost cutting by introducing 9 day fortnights, reducing daily hours and offering unpaid sabbaticals, so we also saw an uplift in the request for interim specialists to renegotiate these new practices. Conclusion The middle of 2008 saw huge changes for the UK retail industry, with the sector suffering a very intense downturn and several well-known brands were disappearing from the high streets. But on the other hand there have been retailers that improved their performance during the recession. As seen above, HM is one of them, reaching a SEK 118,697 million turnover, and about 76,000 employments. The human resource management is one of the sectors that have been also affected by the economic downturn. According to Armstrong (2000) Human resource management is a construct largely invented by academics and popularised by consultants. So that many retailers took decisive actions, like concentrating and simplifying their operations by reducing staff numbers and costs, both through natural wastage and implementing redundancy programmes and flexible working hours. Furthermore, there is now evidence of significant change in the retail sector. In line with the drop-off in demand for goods not being as bad as had initially been feared, retailers are now re-evaluating and rethinking their HR strategies. In conclusion, the paper demonstrates that the current economic conditions have provided the opportunity for the UK retail industry to learn and deal better with HRM structures and recession, adding to what had already been in progress before the economic downturn, which in turn shows an opportunity to make the business stronger, successfully and profitable. Moreover, there is a lack of standard qualifications across retail sector which is also unfavourable.ÂÂ   Government policy in this area is ineffectual and needs to be improved as soon as possible.